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Disciplinary Dog Training
So, what is discipline?
Discipline – what does it mean? The dictionary tells us that it is a control or order exercised over people or animals. A system of rules used to maintain control.
This is the exact way Janice trains dogs. She does not coerce them, bribe them, beat them into submission, trick them or use any kind of gadget whatsoever and it is not done by mirrors!
Any breed of dog can be helped, from puppies
to seniors. Janice also specialises in training deaf dogs.
Serving areas throughout the East Midlands, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire call today.

What problems can Janice address?
- Aggression to people
- Aggression to other dogs / animals
- Pulling on lead
- Ignoring commands
- Constant barking
- Jumping up
- And just about anything else!

Turn your unruly dog into a pussycat!
For a fresh approach to dog training, call Janice at Problem Dog
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